quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Simple class of the day 6/12/12 - Greetings

There is only a few simple greetings that we need to learn.

Good morning    = Bom dia
Good afternoon  = Boa tarde
Good evening     =Boa noite (chegando)
Good night         =Boa noite (despedindo)

Hello             = Olá
Hi                  = Oi
Bye                = Ciao
See you later = Te vejo depois, até mais tarde.

How are you? How are you keeping?             = Como voce está?
Long time no see, It's been ages.                    = Tá sumido, Quanto tempo?
Are you well?                                                 = Voce está bem?
Whats the story?                                             = Qual é a boa? Qual são as novas?
Let's keep in touch                                          = Vamos manter o contato
Pleasure to meet you                                       = Prazer em te conhecer
It was great to see you                                    = Foi muito bom te ver
I'll give you a shout                                         = Eu vou te dar um toque

Any questions are welcome.

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